When Earth Speaks: A Dirty Ensemble
When Earth Speaks: A Dirty Ensemble by Miranda Whall <Link> premiered at the Theatr yr Werin, Aberystwyth Arts Centre on June 8th, 2024. The performance featured Neil Luck (percussion), Mayah Kadish (violin) Angela Wai-Nok Hui (percussion), Tim Beckham (guitar), Ashley John Long (double bass), Constance Humphries (Butoh dance) and Miranda Whall (drawing).
The performance also included non-human performers, such as the mountain, the soil, the sensors, data, and robotics. The data stream emitted from the soil sensor network broadcast live into the theatre from the Cambrian mountains, offering a unique interaction with the natural environment. The emergent and improvised performance evolved in real-time as the performers responded to the landscape, each other, the fluctuations and patterns of the data, the changes and rhythms of the earth, and the soil ecosystem; interrelating micro and macro-organisms, air, water, minerals and organic matter.
Angela Hui Wai Nok
IG @huiwainokk
+44 7775538690